Tuesday, February 19, 2019

FORD DIESEL ENGINES - Hydronic 5 Espar Heater Installs

FORD DIESEL ENGINES Hydronic 5 Espar Heater - HYDRONIC 5 for FORD DIESEL ENGINES Heater Model 25 1920 05 Installs are for models 250/350 4 wheel drive & 4 wheel ABS 2 wheel drive & 4 wheel ABS.


Heater Warnings to Installer 

  • Correct installation of this heater is necessary to ensure safe and proper operation. Read and understand this manual before attempting to install the heater. Failure to follow all these instructions could cause serious or fatal injury Explosion Hazard 
  • Heater must be turned off while re-fueling. 
  • Do not install heater in enclosed areas where combustible fumes may be present. Fire Hazard 
  • Install the exhaust system so it will maintain a minimum distance of 50mm(2″) from any flammable or heat sensitive material. 
  • Ensure that the fuel system is intact and there are no leaks. Asphyxiation Hazard 
  • Route the heater exhaust so that exhaust fumes cannot enter any passenger compartments. 
  • If running exhaust components through an enclosed compartment, ensure that it is vented to the outside.

Safety Hazard on Coolant Heaters Used With Improper Antifreeze Mixtures 

  • The proper operation of the Espar coolant heaters requires that the coolant in the system to be heated contain a proper mixture of water and antifreeze to prevent coolant from freezing or slushing. 
  • If the coolant becomes slushy or frozen, the heater’s coolant pump cannot move the coolant properly causing a blockage of the circulating system. Once this occurs, pressure willbuild up rapidly in the heater and the coolant hose could either burst or blow off at the connection point to the heater. 
  • This situation could cause engine damage and/or personal i n j u r y. Extreme care should betaken to ensure a proper mixture of water and antifreeze is used in the coolant system. 
  • Refer to the engine manufacturer’s or coolant manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific requirements.

Note: During electrical welding work on the vehicle disconnect the power to the heater in order to protect the control unit. Note: The heater is equipped with a high voltage cutout as well a low voltage cutout.
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